When is the Right time to visit your ophthalmologist after LASIK Procedure

LASIK is a non-invasive method with a laser-assisted technique which is touted as the safest method in modern medicine. Although it takes just a week for a full recovery after someone gets LASIK done, it is essential to undergo regular check-up as per prescribed by your ophthalmologist after getting LASIK procedure done. Know when it is the right time to visit your ophthalmologist after LASIK Procedure. There are a number of tests that your ophthalmologist will prescribe post-LASIK such as Air-puff test, Swinging flashlight test, Ocular Motility Test, etc.

visit your ophthalmologist after LASIK Procedure

  • Ocular Motility Test  –

A number of aspects such as symmetry, smoothness, speed, range, etc are checked in this particular test. The procedure followed in this test is like the doctor will ask the patient to focus on his/her finger and he will ask them to move across periphery i.e. extreme right and left.

  • Swinging Flashlight Test –

In this particular test, a flashlight is flashed in each eye where the ophthalmologist will check for any discrepancy with the eye. The test can detect optic nerve damage if any.

  • Air-puff Test –

Your ophthalmologist will conduct the Air-puff Test in order to detect signs of Glaucoma. In this test, your doctor will pass a puff of air in the eye thus, observing the fluid pressure within the eye which is used as a pointer for detected certain type of disorder.

How often is it requires getting eye checkup done after LASIK –

It is prescribed to get eye checkup every six months, however, in the case of LASIK, the patients can have it checked every year. How often is it required to check eye after LASIK depends on patient’s age which is prescribed by the ophthalmologist? The test discussed above is performed to check for any type of defects after LASIK and treat it accordingly.

